Friday, June 11, 2010

Explanation writing

And a word from the teacher.... It's great to read the blog posts you guys have been writing. Keep it up! Feel free to update the blog from home if you can remember the log in and password :-)

In class we are learning how to write explanations. When we first started, students got together in two groups to work out what things they needed to focus on during the unit. They chose some WALTs ( things We Are Learning To do) and made up a rubric that they will use to evaluate their explanations. Here is one of the groups talking about the process.

Everyone has been busy this week writing explanations about simple machines. We used books and some cool websites (edheads and brainpop) to learn about simple machines (levers, pulleys, gears, inclined planes, wheels & axles), then we wrote our explanations. Some students tried publishing using xtranormal but forgot to save their work! Oh dear :-( Others have had more success using vocaroo- recording their explanation orally. Have a listen to Caitlin explain pulleys, Diana, Jacob or Tessa explain about levers. Hopefully we can add other links when other students get a chance to record their explanations.

Although they are 'simple' machines, some of them can be quite tricky to explain. So well done everyone for having a go.

Keep up the good work - From Ms Wills

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