Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Our malicous moving Mountain

Here in room 16 this week and last, lots of people have made it up our Te Maunga O Panekiretanga(The Mountain Of Excellence). Just in case you didn't know, we have small photos of ourselves and we get to move up or down if we're good or bad. Once we get up for our 4 th time we get a prize:)! Here are some photos of people with them:

Matthew's parachute men and a bouncy ball.

Jerome and his wallet."Oh man, no money!"said jerome as he opened it :(.

Jess M and Victoria.
Zack and his magic sand.
Wow! look at those prizes!
By Diana's friend(heard of her on this blog?), Nikita:)

Friday, June 25, 2010

Newspaper hunt

Yesterday after lunch we got to go in buddies and we did a newspaper hunt. The tricky part was that we had to use the Dunedin times. It was so hard. The winners were Nikita,Emma and Keira. Second place was Molly(me) and Caitlin. Third was Zack, Jacob and Scott.

Here are some pictures:

look at the mess.Papers were everywhere. :)
By Molly

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Everything in the past couple of days

Yesterday on Tuesday we got MAIL!!
guess what it was ,it was from the japan class our penpals. :) Most people got a letter but some got lost or they didnt get sent. Everyone has been starting to write explanations. these are on machines. no they are not toothbrushes they are ipods and radios and elevators ect. I am trying to find how a heatpump works but some info isnt very helpful. Sharing the planet has been great everyone is learning a lot. school is just about over yay!!! Mrs edwards millie was sick so mrs edwards couldnt teach us. everyone booed. Today we also had 2 library slots, lucky us. Alot of people have been making chair name tags because we are getting rid of the spear ones. I better do some work now.

see you
by molly your journalist and photographer

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Amazing Science Alive Visit

On Moday the 14th Yr 5/6 were lucky enough to get a visit from SCIENCE ALIVE. They came all the way from christchurch. It was great fun we got to make simple machines to help things. Some cards said this machine has to help mix the largest cookie dough in the world. there was also help pull a truck out of water the easiest machine was a pulley. They also brung down a rather large pulley. Let me tell you it was sooo heavy. We also got to have a look at a gear game, it was awesome, if you put 1 gear in the wrong place the whole chain would stop.

here are some photos:

this is a pulley here is a gear train

the boys are busy working :p

this is the pulley pulling a truck.

by this weeks new journalist and photographer- sani is away in Fiji

by molly

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Pin-pin Jr

Yesterday Jacob got another pupa or a cacoon and they bought it to school when it was black. It hatched at night time, but very sadly, fell on the floor, which made the wings crumple up and not dry. Very VERY sadly though, he/she died yesterday. We held a funeral and sung a Kapa Haka song. It was very sad.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Explanation writing

And a word from the teacher.... It's great to read the blog posts you guys have been writing. Keep it up! Feel free to update the blog from home if you can remember the log in and password :-)

In class we are learning how to write explanations. When we first started, students got together in two groups to work out what things they needed to focus on during the unit. They chose some WALTs ( things We Are Learning To do) and made up a rubric that they will use to evaluate their explanations. Here is one of the groups talking about the process.

Everyone has been busy this week writing explanations about simple machines. We used books and some cool websites (edheads and brainpop) to learn about simple machines (levers, pulleys, gears, inclined planes, wheels & axles), then we wrote our explanations. Some students tried publishing using xtranormal but forgot to save their work! Oh dear :-( Others have had more success using vocaroo- recording their explanation orally. Have a listen to Caitlin explain pulleys, Diana, Jacob or Tessa explain about levers. Hopefully we can add other links when other students get a chance to record their explanations.

Although they are 'simple' machines, some of them can be quite tricky to explain. So well done everyone for having a go.

Keep up the good work - From Ms Wills


This week, Room 16 is hosting the Year 5 & 6 assembly and are practicing the song we are all going to sing. The song is "Sing to the heavens above" , but some boys and girls are being silly and are saying quite the oppisite. Tessa starts the song, who is followed by Sani and Dannielle then by... well, you know the drill. We are also going to share our visual MihiMihis. Don't ask me what it means, its just a Maori name. I really don't want to get on with this day for some reason but I am NOT going to say that reason, coz' they won't like it. I'm going to talk about my life in 2011. If I do ALL my chores and be good for a year I will get a bunny OR a Guinea pig... or both... WOOO I spelt Guinea pig right with OUT a dictionary, but I had to spell dictionary WITH a dictionary! If I get a GIRL bunny/Guinea pig I will call it Jothena, short for Jose and Athena, godess of wisdom and battles. If you read Percy Jackson and the lightning thief you'll know about her. If I get a BOY bunny/Guinea pig, I think I'll call em Jumanji, like the movie about the game. Right, goodbye world I'll see ya tomorrow. By Diana

Thursday, June 10, 2010

More you-tube

(And I didnt say you would approve of them Ms Wills!) Well I've looked up some more you-tube videos for the class. A new one I saw was " Tigerstar and Darkstripe spoof"... Parents and teachers, don't look or listen to this at home, may cause itchiness or a heart attack. It is recommended to have a child with you to make you understand the funniness and awesomeness of this cheering up video. Music video of the week on the website is Madonna, Die another day. It has HQ sound and a great tune. Jess M has experienced the tigerstar video and says that she does NOT like the song, so some girls can't look at this video... But I can see the light and funniness of IT, good personal pronoun there! So now, I'm thinking what to look up... Oh cool, another one "Comedy warriors cats" Oh my god its so funny Hahahahahahahahahaha, phew ....nomnomnomnomnomnomnomnomnom, sorry just singing along, teeheee. Ms Wills, here's somthing for dancing "Warrior cats do cha cha slide". From your Queen of funny you-tube videos, Diana

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

My greatest feat and you tube have nothing in common

Our classroom is doing the fifa world cup "my greatest feat" pedometer challenge. So far (from this post) we have only gone 195 kms around the south african map. Wow, I don't think we're progressing!!! I'm not doing it because I lost my pedometer... sad. I've been looking up some you tube videos that I think the class might like. For example: Search Firestar doesnt like waffles, warrior cats meet Hannah Montana, Cloudkits soda, never give hawk suger and lets go annoy some people also a last minute one is Firestar gets his nine lives and cloudpaw wants a cookie... oh, and dont forget GUESS WHAT I DID!!!

From Diana

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

character dress up day!!!!!!

Hi your blogger today is Jess L . Today is June the 1st. We have our characters dress up day, where we dress up as someone in a book. A few girls are dressed up as Pippi Longstockings. We had one girl in our class who dressed up as Rachel off animorphs and a few of us forgot or probably coudn't dress up. One girl from Singapore came as Nudge off the awesome Maximum Ride book. One of the boys dressed up as Alex Rider. I thought that the people who dressed up looked stunning! All the people in the school who were dressed up walked around in a parade after lunch.