Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tricks of advertising

It's time to get smart when it comes to advertising! Some of these videos might be a little old but the tricks they show are still used... Click on the title and it should take you to the video.

Food advertising tricks!

Fast Food: compare the picture on the ad to a picture of the real thing.

Are those toys really as cool as they look on TV?

Are you a pepsi or coke fan? Do they really taste that different? Maybe you like one or the other because of the advertising and marketing...not because of the taste difference. Have a look at this experiment: Pepsi or Coke?

When you have watched the videos, post a comment explaining one thing you have learned or something that surprised you from the video. Make sure you leave your name on the comment.


  1. WOW!! Keira and I were marvelling at how good the ads look at home, amd thats what they DO!!! My Mum was hungry the other day and a McDonalds ad came on and Mums mouth watered... she doesn't even LIKE McDonalds! This is just sad... I'm Hungry. Diana

  2. hi its molly and emma aka the awesomest people in the class!!!!
    the boat was a rip off. dont always trust ads. :)
