Thursday, September 23, 2010

Karaoke Party!

We have made a great discovery this week... the website Karaoke Party! It is great fun to sing karaoke in class... great for our reading skills and tests our ability to keep in time and on tune! So far we have mostly been rated 'tone deaf' but twice we made it to 'amateur' status.

Here's a video of some students who wanted to have another go after the bell had rung and everyone else had gone home for the day:

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Our advertising book

For our inquiry about how 'symbols of popular culture are used to persuade us' we are looking at advertising. We brainstormed strategies that advertisers use for static advertising.Then we went on a hunt for examples, in magazines and newspapers. Here's what we came up with! Click on the picture... then press the little arrow in the bottom right corner to turn the page!

Advertising strategies

Term 3 Reflection

Click here to post your sticky to the wall and tell us your thoughts about the term!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tricks of advertising

It's time to get smart when it comes to advertising! Some of these videos might be a little old but the tricks they show are still used... Click on the title and it should take you to the video.

Food advertising tricks!

Fast Food: compare the picture on the ad to a picture of the real thing.

Are those toys really as cool as they look on TV?

Are you a pepsi or coke fan? Do they really taste that different? Maybe you like one or the other because of the advertising and marketing...not because of the taste difference. Have a look at this experiment: Pepsi or Coke?

When you have watched the videos, post a comment explaining one thing you have learned or something that surprised you from the video. Make sure you leave your name on the comment.

Slippery Science

Yesterday room 16 students made slime & flubber.

The slime was made using Cornflour, Water & Colouring. Only the African flight crew got it right.

The flubber used pva glue, Borax,Water & colouring. Again, only the Africans got it correct.

It took all afternoon to make. It was an oowey gooey mess. Here are some photos & videos of what we had done.

From this weeks photographer Nikita. :) :) :)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Mad machines!

We had three Canadians visit us for an afternoon. They told us a bit about Canada and did an activity with us called Mad Machines. It was fun pretending to be a mad machine assembly line... when Steph cranked up the machines they went faster and faster until they exploded! Have a look at the videos and photos!

Tyler's gone!

We said goodbye to a great student last week. Tyler has moved to Lincoln and we will miss him! We have been thinking of him since the big earthquake hit, hoping he is ok. I guess he's had a few days off school! On his last day we had a party at lunch time. Some of the boys turned up the music and had a bit of a dance. Check out Jacobs moves in the video

Preparing for speeche finals

Today Molly is doing her speech(so is Jerome but the spot lights on molly in this part of the post) she is a bit scared well nervous should I say!! she is asking people to do it for . Her friend Grace said yes... but Ms Wills said... No :( ohwell she will go well as usual. Now I will tell you a bit about Jerome I asked him how he felt and he said this: I hate it and just DON'T wanna be at school. Well anyway Good Luck to Jereome and Molly and hopefully one of them win!! Heres is a pic of Molly.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

P.E. with Miss Church

Today we have Miss Church. First up we have p.e. We're practising flight(Rerenga). Some people are doing flips and some are sliding.