Thursday, March 04, 2010

Book Review on Animorphs

This series is about aliens. Parasitic aliens that are the size of a rat. They are Yeerks. The Animorphs (Rachel, Cassie, Jake, Tobias and Marco) are fighting with their new power. The power to morph. They find Ax, an Andalite in book 4, The Message. An Andalite gave them the power from a blue box. Visser three is a yeerk. The only yeerk to ever capture an Andalite body. Andalites have the power to morph too. From this weeks Journalist, Diana


  1. Wow - what a busy week you are all having! Making movies, writing book reviews, getting ready for camp, opening mail from the other side of the world and doing all your school work as well! Phew! It makes me tired just reading about it. Flynn told me that you are at Singapore on your map - thats fantastic! He has some Singapore money that we have (I can't remember where it came from though) that he is bringing in to school tomorrow to show you all. Keep up the good work in your class and on your blog - I love reading it regularly.
    Keep cool till after school.
    Mrs S
