Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Aeroplane Seats

In our class we now have aeroplane seats! There are two of them and they have trays and mini televisions (they don't work because they're not plugged in), and they are even first class! The flight attendants always sit on the seats. Molly's parents bought them of trade-me and they are in they actually bought four and they are loaning us the two for the term. We still have the old car seats in the classroom but they aren't being used at the moment. Molly says that Charlie (her brother) sits on one in the childrens room playing playstation with his food on the tray. The plane seats also have footrests and headrests. Apparently they are really comfortable and they came from a jumbo-jet. It also has remotes for the t.v.

By Oskar

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Museum Visit

This morning room 16 went to The Ashburton Art Gallery to look at our Maori past. We learned about the different stones they used for different reasons. We also learned about a big tree that was used as a meeting place and navigation. Most of it was about navigation and constellations up in the night sky and how to use them to navigate. We also had to write a small short-story about how to get somewhere to somewhere else at night using the stars (mostly the pot) as a compass. Somebody's story went something like this: start at the start of the path and walk 50 paces along the path and I forgot the rest. At the very end, just before we left, we had a flight crew challenge, we had to get together in our flight crews and make some sort of picture by lying, assorted, on the ground. Our flight crew was the first to finish, we did the European (we were the European flight crew) flag and another group copied us because they didn't know what it was and they didn't have any other ideas. We won.
By Oskar

Monday, March 22, 2010

Wer'e In Tokyo!

We have a Where In The World poster down the back of the classroom and there is a little plane glue-tacked onto it. Every time we get a comment from a parent or a teacher thats not Ms Wills gives us a compliment (or we work really well and Ms Wills moves us) We get to move to the next dot/destination on the map. There are also some smiley faces on the map and if we reach one we get to celebrate by either eating food from the country or meeting someone from the country (or both). We are now in Tokyo which is on a smiley face so we get to paartaay unless we do something bad. If we do something really bad Ms Wills either moves the plane back one spot or takes off the next smiley face. The place I really want to get to is the smiley face in India because I loooooovve indian food.

By Oskar

Friday, March 19, 2010

We're Back!

We are now two days back from camp and back at school (aaaaawwwwwww). We are writing in our camp books what we felt like angry, sad... Or the awards in your groups in camp like the loudest snorer, the happiest camper... We are also writing what was challenging and what was easy. In other words we are finishing off our camp books. We are still a little tired because of camp and yesterday the teacher said we could fall asleep, unfortunately for us we wern't tired enough. Yesterday the work was also quite easy and fun, fortunately for us. My favourite part of camp was the archery. About half of my arrows bounced off the targets because they were quite blunt for safety reasons. One of my shots skimmed off the top of the far target and kept going. It travelled the farthest out of all of the shots. My second favourite event would be air rifle. I only hit the targets two out of seven times! My first hit was with a wooden butt rifle and my second was with the telescopic rifle. I only hit the big bird targets. The telescopic one is really easy if your in the right position to see through the telescope part. We went to camp on Monday the 14th of March and came back on Wednesday the 17th of March. We all had lots of fun and wished we could go back.
By Oskar -this week's journalist. Photos by Jacob TM

Friday, March 12, 2010


As you now the year5 and 6s are going on camp and and its going to really fun. These are some of the activites we are going to do shooting rifles, doing archery, camp concert, swimming, mini golf, mono rail, star gazing and much more. All of the children sleep in bunkhouses there are eight beds in each bunk and the boys aren't alowed to sleep in the same bunkhouse as the girls.On the way to camp we are going to sumner beach to play some games.Its going to be really fun!

by this weeks journalist Jerome

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Flight crew

In room 16 we have flight crews there is the North American crew, the African crew and the
European crew. Sometimes we do flight crew challenges. In flight crew challenges all the flight crews compete in co-operative games.At the moment the flight crews are trying to make up
game for the year 5 and 6's to play at camp.We are also trying to make up a camp concert itim

by this weeks journalist Jerome

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wednesday mornings

Today we are going to make movies on Microsoft movie maker. At the start of the day we
learned the effects to do it, like changing the tittle, changing the screens lightness and darkness
and making it faster and slower. For an example we watched some funny movies that Mrs Edwards made. Mrs Edwards teaches us on Wednesdays mornings . She comes from Scotland and has a little baby called Milly. On Wednesday mornings we also have Mr Gray for p.e but this week he was away.

by Jerome

Friday, March 05, 2010

Whats going on in class?

Our traveling is getting farther and farther around the world and we are now in the Phillipines! We watched a very funny movie which includes a mouse and mousetrap.We did a review on it and also rated it. I gave it a 10/10 rate. Our movie is also coming along very well. Its also a compitition too. The winners get CHOCOLATE!!!! That makes me hope we win. From this weeks Journalist, Diana

Liyanas Mums visit

Yesterday, Liyanas Mum came to room 16 to talk to us about their home country, Singapore. She said to all of us that Singapore is about the size of Christchurch and has about 6 million people and New Zealand has about 4 million!!!!!!!!!!. After the big talk, she gave us all this kind of pancake thing with corn and peanuts inside it. It tasted like peanut butter and Maple syrup.From this weeks Journalist, Diana

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Book Review on Animorphs

This series is about aliens. Parasitic aliens that are the size of a rat. They are Yeerks. The Animorphs (Rachel, Cassie, Jake, Tobias and Marco) are fighting with their new power. The power to morph. They find Ax, an Andalite in book 4, The Message. An Andalite gave them the power from a blue box. Visser three is a yeerk. The only yeerk to ever capture an Andalite body. Andalites have the power to morph too. From this weeks Journalist, Diana

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Movie making

This whole afternoon, we have been making movies. My group is making a Kung-Fu movie, Liyana and I are the main characters. Liyana is a lion and I'm a cheetah. Danni is a bad guy. Shes a jaguar. Jess is the producer and Nikita is the directer. We stopped a while ago. From this weeks Journalist, Diana


A girl from our classroom (Liyana) is wearing a scarf. Many people were asking:" WHAT IS THAT ON YOUR HEAD!" She said:" It a scarf,do I look different?"" Yeah ,you look WEIRD". OK.... She didn't expect to hear that.

When she was little she always looked at her mum because she was wearing a scarf. She always wanted to wear a scarf. Than her wish came true! She was telling her mum when school starts she will be wearing a scarf. She asked why? Because I wanted to be just like you.

The next day school started she was wearing a scarf .Her Mum and Dad said that she looked beautiful . She said "yeah right"." No you really do".said Mum.

While she's at school everything went just fine.
By: Journalist best friend (Liyana) !


On the 15th of March, the year 4-5s are going to Living Springs for camp. My Dad is coming to camp this year. The camp activities include the Monorail, the Flying Fox, Mini Golf and more! The whole class cant wait! Everyone will meet up at school by the peformance center in the morning at about 8:20 AM. The lugguage is loaded up in metal trailers.From this weeks Journalist ,Diana

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Kels photos

Right now is very exciting. Kel if you are reading, we are opening the letter you sent us all. Yes it didnt get stolen either. We have just seen that postcard. We couldnt read the back:) We are all passing the photos around right now. We all just saw no:3 photo. Did you Kel, do any fishing there? I saw the frozen sea photo. I thought it would be impossible for the sea to ever freeze because its always moving!. Is that a real tank? The boys just cheered for it. All boys think tanks are cool. Noowwwww, were Looking at the blog:)From this weeks Journalist, Diana

Sani and Diana

This week Sani and Diana are on this weeks blogger duty. Sani is the photographer and I am the Journalist.We look foward to telling you some news for this week. From this weeks Journalist, Diana

A Song

I have nothin' to blog about right now so I'll put a silly (wierd) song on this post

On a dark day in the middle of the night
Two boys got up and went to fight
They stood back-to-back, facing each other
Then they drew their swords and shot each other
A deaf policeman heard the noise
Then he came over and got those boys

From this weeks Journalist,Diana

The greatest blogger in the world

This term, our class has been reading a book called "The Greatest Blogger In The World" The main character in this story is called Charlie Ridge and he enters a blogging compitition. He is in love with a girl called The Boots.She is called the boots because she wears big wellingtons to school everyday. He has a friend called Phattious Beats who illigally sells red cordial and lemonade at school when teachers werent looking. Charlie has a few friends and a enemy who sees his blog. The enemy is called Dr. Maryloaf and his friends are Citizian Sundress and ill-not-sick and XY. We havent finished the whole book yet, but we're reading some more today. From this weeks Journalist, Diana

Monday, March 01, 2010

The New Kittens

On the 25th of Febuary, the kittens of Sheba were born. on the 27th, one of them died.It was a grey one called Cinderpelt. There is also a Black one with white socks and white belly called Purdy, a gray and mostly white one called Mousefur and a typical black and white one called Badger. They'll be ready to be sold in 4 months. From this weeks journalist, Diana


Yesterday was the Borough school triathalon. Some kids compedited against each other. Jerome was at the triathalon, so was Molly and Tessa. I am having a lesson now, so I can't talk to them about it at the moment. Now I can. Jerome swam 2 lengths in the Tinwald pool, then he did a bike ride around the Tinwald Domain. He went around the track 2 times. He did 2 laps back and fourth on a field. His coment is "it was very fun, I really enjoyed it!" From this weeks Journalist, Diana